Berfokus pada kesehatan mental masyarakat yang

Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Psychology UISB provides the students with many opportunities to grow, care for, and be able to nurture professionals. FP UISB will bring a refreshing new angle to understanding the mind, behavior, and mental health from a scientific and Islam perspective.
As the mission of UISB, FP UISB will ensure can bring high skilled graduates, researchers, practitioners, and leaders to empower society and answer all the problems at the region, national, and international levels.
Become An Agent of Change
to Remove The Stigma
of Mental Illnes.
Temukan dan tentukan pilihan fakultas dan program studi yang sesuai dengan minat Anda.
Setelah menentukan program studi yang diminati, silakan daftarkan diri Anda dalam Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru.