Berkarakter Pancasila dan Berpegang Teguh
Faculty of Law
World-Class Law School in West Sumatera aims to grow as the centre of legal education and research in Sumatera, even in Indonesia. Faculty of Law UISB come to West Sumatera to answer all the problems and challenges in the world of law using Indonesia perspective and Islamic values.
FL UISB provides the students with the academic ability to implement, develop, and enrich legal theory and regulations that are definitely applicable to answer the real problem at regional, national, and international levels. FL UISB will ensure the students are always updated in fast pace era.
Law Science
Develop the science of law and business law in national and International context.
Build A Strong Fundamentals of
National and International Laws
with Indonesia Character
Temukan dan tentukan pilihan fakultas dan program studi yang sesuai dengan minat Anda.
Setelah menentukan program studi yang diminati, silakan daftarkan diri Anda dalam Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru.